• Recovery Planning

    Brainstorming to build back better
    FEMA News Photo
  • Strategic Planning

    Aligning on Emerging Priorities
    FEMA News Photo
  • Hazard Mitigation Planning

    Every dollar spent pre-disaster can save six dollars post-disaster
    FEMA News Photo
  • Community Engagement

    Building from the bottom-up
  • Community Resiliency 

    The intersection of safe growth and smart growth
  • Emergency Preparedness

    A "Whole Community" approach
    Be ready, be in the now!

Who We Are

Vision Planning and Consulting (VPC) prides itself in providing top-notch strategic planning, disaster/emergency management, and stakeholder engagement services to Federal, state, and local governments, as well as academic and institutional clients.

VPC Team members work closely with emergency management agencies, planning departments, public safety agencies, ad hoc committees, the public, and other stakeholders to ensure inclusive and integrated planning processes. VPC has a staff of planners and specialists in the areas of strategic planning, emergency management, grants management, GIS, and information technology.

VPC is a small, minority, woman-owned firm. VPC is on the GSA Schedule and is a registered MBE/WBE firm in the Mid-Atlantic states, as well as with the cities of Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington DC, and New York.   
Learn More

Disaster Management

VPC helps communities prepare, recover, and mitigate against natural disasters with tools, guidance, and strategies that secure and protect the community
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Outreach and Education

VPC employs innovative communication techniques that help build strong and lasting partnerships with government, academia, businesses, and communities.
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Technology Solutions

VPC employs innovative and intuitive web design principles that help build strong and lasting partnerships with the government, academia, businesses, and communities.
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Visual Aids/Infographics

VPC offers creative visual aids for the outreach, planning, operations, training, or other aspects of a program or project to accomplish your goals.
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Value Statement

To serve as a one-stop shop for all things related to reducing risk in your community – whether it is preparedness, mitigation, response, or recovery planning, you can count on VPC as your partner to help pave the way in achieving greater disaster resiliency in your community.

Our Location

7560 Morris Street
Unit 1
Fulton, MD 20759

Contact Us

(888) VPC-9626
(888) 872-9626
Copyright © 2024 Vision Planning and Consulting, LLC.
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