VPC Project Manager Appointed to Maryland Heritage Areas Authority Grants Review Panel for FY 2021

Ashley Samonisky, VPC’s Project Manager and Lead Planner, has been selected by the Maryland Historical Trust to serve on the Maryland Heritage Areas Program Grant Review Panel for FY 2021. She has been appointed to a one-year term, and will be eligible to serve an additional three-year term thereafter. Ms. Samonisky is one of 20 panelists who will play a critical role in the review of grant applications submitted to the Program. The Panel helps the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority “ensure that the grants awarded by the Authority are distributed fairly and equitably across the State of Maryland.”

The Maryland Heritage Areas Program provides grants for projects in the 13 certified heritage areas across Maryland. The Program supports economic development through the development of heritage tourism projects and the preservation of natural, cultural and historic resources and awards up to $5.1 million in grants each year, through a competitive process.

Ms. Samonisky is honored and delighted to have been selected for such an appointment. Her background in hazard mitigation for historic properties and vulnerability assessments provide a unique and welcome perspective on the grants review process.

“I am excited to bring together my personal interests in history and heritage, and my professional skills in mitigation and planning to serve such an incredible cause.”

Ms. Samonisky conducted a research and mapping project of the cemeteries in Dorchester County as the capstone project for her geography degree from Salisbury University, and has always held a special regard for the unique history and culture throughout Maryland. Ms. Samonisky’s own family have been Maryland residents for over 200 years, so the program has personal sentiment as well.

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“It is my hope, that, by serving on the Panel, I not only get to learn about all the amazing preservation and heritage projects going on throughout the State, but also to have an opportunity to help protect these buildings and resources from future damage or loss by incorporating hazard mitigation principles into the planning and implementation processes.”

For more information on the Maryland Heritage Areas Program or Maryland Historical Trust click here.

For more information on Ms. Samonisky, or her work in emergency management and hazard mitigation, click here.

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