Deepa Srinivasan, President of VPC, had the honor of serving as a judge in the 2017 National History Day, Howard County District Competition.
“National History Day® (NHD) offers opportunities for teachers and students to engage in historical research. NHD’s mission to improve the teaching and learning of history in middle and high school, particularly through the NHD Contest. Each year the NHD Organization selects a different theme to inspire the students and their projects. The theme for this year is Taking a Stand in History. The theme recognizes individuals or groups who “have taken risks and taken a stand, whether in a political, social, religious, military, economic, intellectual, or artistic sphere.”
The contest is open to a wide variety of projects that provide opportunities for students to excel at different areas such as: a documentary, exhibit, website, research paper, or even an artistic/theatrical performance.
Ms. Srinivasan was selected to judge five different entries under the Documentary category. She had this to say about the students and their presentations, “The caliber of the presentations was top notch. Not only was I enlightened by unsung heroes and historical facts and figures but was truly impressed with the quality of the documentaries. These young men and women are movie-makers in the making!”
To learn more about the National History Day® (NHD) Organization or Competitions go to